
Bacon's Studio: A Deeply Ordered Chaos

Is Francis Bacon's atelier chaotic? In a sense, yes. It is also consistent with a grotesquely suggestive idea expressed by the artist himself (in numerous interviews which took place in the second half of the twentieth century). Indeed, Bacon's studio happens to be compatible with his cherished image of "a deeply ordered chaos."

1. "The 1930 Look in British Decoration," Studio, Vol. 100, August 1930, pp. 140-41

2. Cecil Beaton, Francis Bacon in his Studio, photograph, 1959
3. Jorge Lewinski, Francis Bacon in his Studio, photograph, 1963

4. John Deakin, Peter Lacy in Bacon's Studio, photograph, c. 1964
5. Francis Bacon’s Studio, photograph, c. 1975. Mac Robertson Collection, London

6. Francis Bacon in his Reece Mews Studio, 1977


8. Jesse Fernandez, Francis Bacon in his Studio, photograph, 1978


10. Bruce Bernard, Francis Bacon in his Studio, photograph, 1984

11. Perry Odgen, 7 Reece Mews: Francis Bacon's Studio, photograph, 2001

13. John Edwards, Francis Bacon in his Studio, photograph, 1984

14. Perry Odgen, 7 Reece Mews: Francis Bacon's Studio, photograph, May 1992

15. Odgen, 7 Reece Mews, 1992



18. Francis Bacon once said: “Images [...] help me find and realize ideas. I look at hundreds of very different, contrasting images and I pinch details from them, rather like people who eat from other people’s plates.”

19. Odgen, 7 Reece Mews, 1992

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.

23. Linda McCartney, Francis Bacon's Studio, London, photograph detail, 1997

24. Edwards, Bacon in his Studio, 1984


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